Some bondage videos today. They show the humiliation and torture of one of his captive women prisoners in bondage. This is a really good set of bondage films, the woman prisoner is punished on a judo mat in a gymnasium.

The captive woman prisoner is stripped naked and taken into the gymnasium where she is made to kneel on a judo mat for her punishment.
First some mild humiliation – making her suck on a dildo. Then her punishment gets worse.
She is tortured with candles. But this is not your usual hot wax torture, he is a lot meaner than that, her punishment will be worse. First he holds the candles close to her face, the heat on the women prisoners face is agony, but the fear is worse. And the torture will get even worse still!
He grabs a handful of her hair and pulls her head back. Now she is tortured by having the hot wax dripped into her face DIRECTLY into her FACE!!!!
Once this torture is over it is time for the captive prisoner to suffer more humiliation, and a bit of bondage, to round off her punishment. Plus it is time for him to have some fun with the naked woman prisoners body!